
Blessed are you, o lord; teach me your statutes!

Psalm 119:12

Christian education in the church is critical for the building up of the body, the strengthening of believers and their children so that the church is strong and solid, standing on the sure foundations of the Scriptures of God, and the doctrines of the church for His glory. (Eph. 4:14-16).  
Weekly adult and children's classes are offered, generally but not exclusively in age and stage classes that equip us in bible knowledge, doctrine, practical Christian living, and equipping for ministry where we live. 

Learning Opportunities

Sundays 10:10am - 11:00am

Classes exist for fellowship and teaching.
Learning together makes us stronger.

Conferences and Training Events

We are blessed with opportunities to grow together in quarterly and annual events that focus our attention on particular areas of information. Look for these in the calendar.

For Regular weekly classes,
No registration Necessary

We want you to attend any adult class you desire that fits your particular need.  Below is a current listing of the classes, where they meet, and what they are currently teaching.


Senior High - Meet on the 3rd floor of the Christian  Education Building.
Topic: Christian Doctrine

Middle School - Meet on the 2nd floor of the Christian Education Building
Taught and led by Jessica and Jeremy Johnson
Topic: God's Promises

College and young Adults

Grad and Career - Meet in Basement M102
Taught and led by Various teachers
Topic: Exodus

Young Marrieds and Logos - Various Teachers; Meet on the 1st floor of the Christian Education Building.
Topic: How to Be Good and Angry

Adult classes

Providence -Taught by Kevin Bridges and Wade Miller
Topic: Ephesians
Immanuel -Various teachers
Topic: Philippians
Shepherds -Taught by Elliot Everitt
Topic: Kingdom Purpose

Sr. Adult

Trinity -Mike Peed, Christopher Marks
Theme: Equipping Yourself
Covenant - Calvin Smith
Topic: Hard Sayings of the Bible
Canterbury - Jim Shipley
Topic: Heaven


Connections Class - Gathering Place
A multigenerational class with ages from 20's to 80's that gives topic perspective across every generation.
Various teachers
Topic: Daniel

Generations Class - Meet in Basement M100
Taught and led by various teachers
Topic: Ephesians