Inquirers Class

Ask and you shall receive,
seek and You shall find,
Knock and the door will be opened to you.

Matthew 7:7

New to FPC? Interested in church membership? Wondering what Christianity is all about? The upcoming Inquirer’s Class is an informative course, taught by Senior Pastor Chip Miller that will help you assimilate into church life at FPC and learn important and interesting things – like what First Presbyterian Church is trying to accomplish, what we believe, and what it means to be a Christian.  You’ll meet new friends, connect with church staff and even become a church member if that’s your desire.  This class provides a “no pressure” atmosphere, and the testimony of most is that you’ll learn a lot and have a great time.

Sign up for a Class

We'd love to get you connected to the next inquirers class. Fill out the form below to get started.

Next Class begins Feb. 9th.