Our Pastor
George W. "Chip" Miller
Chip Miller has been on the ministerial staff of FPC since 1987 and became the Senior Pastor in 1994. He grew up in Alabama and attended the University of Alabama where he met his wife, Barbara. He also attended Reformed Theological Seminary and has served churches in Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Arkansas as well as having been a Campus Minister with Reformed University Fellowship. Chip and Barbara have five children and seventeen grandchildren.
Alan Harris
Facilities Manager
Katie Miller
Communications Director
Mercy Chamberlin
Financial Assistant
Sally Anne Lancour
Children's Ministry Assistant
Wade Miller
Financial Director
April Kitchell
Assistant for Missions
Landis Mauldin
Youth Staff
Michael McGhee
Music Director, Organist
Spring Rawlings
Children's Ministry Director
David Newberry
Director of Student Ministries