Missions Giving Art Contest
Inspire your heart with art. Enter the missions giving art contest and inspire your heart and the heart of others towards missions.
All entries must be original prints on paper. All printmaking techniques, including monotypes and digital prints, are accepted.
Theme is "Missions Is..."
Art is a form of communication, join us in communicating what missions is.
Deadline March 15th
Two categories: children up through 8th grade. Adult category 9th grade and up.
Drop art by the church office, or email to missions@fpcmacon.org.
The goal of the art contest
· is to have a piece of art we can use to put on a coffee mug or t-shirt and then give to those who give to foreign missions as a thank you gift to our donors.
· beyond a thank you gift, the goal is that of conversation and mindfulness of missions. The desire is that when you drink from the coffee cup or wear that t-shirt with this missions minded art on it, you will be reminded to pray for our missionaries, support our missionaries, and encourage our missionaries.
· And lastly, the goal also is that it can be a tool to engage conversation about missions. If you co-workers or friends see you drinking from that cup or wearing that shirt with unique art on it and they inquire about it, what an open door opportunity to keep the message of missions going.